SPECIAL: Master Your Metabolism for Just $97!
If You Don’t Know Exactly How Long You Need To Reset For,
How Will You Ever Know If It Was Successful?
M A S T E R C L A S S:
Walk Away Knowing EXACTLY Where You Should Start, What goals You Should Aim For, and How Long They Will Take For You To Achieve.
Master Your Metabolism: Just $97
See Why So Many Ladies are RAVING About This Training:

The REAL REASON You Won't Actually SEE Permanent Fat Loss UNTIL You Nail Your Reset!
Think of ANY time in your life where losing weight wasn’t a full time job (with no benefits).
Chances are, you were quite a bit younger than you are now, right? Maybe you didn’t really have issues with weight gain, or that first diet when you lost weight quickly or smoothly.
But there is probably something else that you had, that you may not have noticed (until now!)... you had a much faster metabolism!
Your body clearly knew how to process every calorie… specifically, how to let go of extra body weight when you ate little less, or burned a little more cals than usual.
I mean, can you show me ANY weight loss strategy that is not based on the simple principle of burning more calories than you consume?
You Can't!
So the real question is: are you doomed if your body now defies the “cardinal rule” of weight loss?!
NO! In fact, it’s knowing that metabolism is flexible and can be “reset” at any age that is allowing today’s 40+ women to have faster metabolisms than they did in their 20s and 30s, and it can do the same for you!
But the biggest HURDLE I see with discouraged dieters who dabble in the Eat More 2 Weigh Less lifestyle (basically spinning their wheels for years) is not having an exact answer to one of the FIRST questions most of us ask:
“Do I need a metabolism reset?”
Maybe you're asking some variation of that question now?
How long should I reset for?
How do I know when it's over?!
Can I skip the Reset and start my Cut phase now??
How can you tell if the Reset “worked?”
How long will it take me to actually lose this weight?
Look - maybe you’ve heard the analogy that a plane that starts off just ONE degree off-course, would land hundreds of miles off-course, in a completely different city/state than intended.
Well, let me tell you!! Moving on to a Cut phase without having FULLY completed your Metabolism Reset won’t just take you hundreds of miles off course...it’ll send you to a completely different planet!!
THIS is why so many people in the EM2WL fam are stuck.
I’ve seen it time and again.
The initial fear of “wasting” three months or even a year on doing a proper reset has caused so many to waste three (sometimes 10!) YEARS going in the wrong direction, choosing the wrong diets, doing the wrong workouts - because they either rushed the reset (impatiently convincing themselves that they were “done” resetting) or SKIPPED it altogether.
And every single member of the fam who gets tripped up here -- and does NOT take steps to FIX it -- is making one of the BIGGEST mistakes that’s guaranteed to keep them from hitting their goals, and living the lifestyle that they want.
And the worst part? They don’t even REALIZE they’re making a mistake that’s costing them sanity, countless years of wasted time, and precious moments of their life that they will never get back (and maybe you didn’t realize it either...until now).
This is a mistake I want to help you fix.
The Cold Hard Truth is:
There is no on-size-fit-all Metabolism Reset timeline.
Your timeline is based on factors specific to you.
If you ignore your SPECIFICS, you may end your Reset phase too soon.
And an Unfinished Reset means a FAILED Cut.
Show me JUST ONE person who reaches a SPECIFIC goal without following SPECIFIC steps to get there.
You can’t!
That’s because the most successful people know what you might not have realized until right now:
The brain is wired to avoid ambiguity (aka “general” or “vague” steps), and will actually work against you the more general you are about your goals.
This is why most high achievers (read: people who ACCOMPLISH what they set out to do, not just those who dream/talk about it) tend to get more SPECIFIC, not more general - about what they want and it will take for them to reach their goal.
Even if they have multiple goals they’d like to achieve, they start with ONE, and drill out the specifics of nailing that ONE thing, first.
Anyone can crush ONE thing at a time… yes, you too!
If you’ve already felt that nudge to heal your metabolism, so that you can finally lose fat AND start actually seeing visible results, then that means you already have what it takes within you to do it!
And just like I helped so many of my group and 1:1 clients master their metabolism, NOW I want to help you avoid the “multiple” reset + “failed” cut trap (and nail your reset the FIRST time around)!
A Proven Method for Finally Identifying Your Goals, Your Starting Point and Your Timeline!
...for Permanent Fat Loss After 40!
- Uncover what your goal is, what phase(s) you’ll need to stack to achieve it, and HOW to seamlessly incorporate those phases into your lifestyle
- Discover how to create a detailed 90-Day plan, of the habits, behaviors, and day-to-day actions
- Finally gain the clarity you crave around your fat loss journey (think about it: if you don’t know exactly what you’re aiming for... how will you ever know the exact steps for achieving it?)
- Learn how to master your metabolism for permanent fat loss ...in your 40s, 50s, and beyond!!
- Know how long your reset will be by the END of the workshop.
When you join the Master Your Metabolism Workshop:
You'll have guaranteed (free) access to all future LIVE classes and updates to the MYM portal!
PLUS, your investment can be applied towards our Group Coaching experience!
In other words, whatever level of support that you need to succeed in this process - we've got you!
Take your time learning and digesting the concepts shared in the Masterclass sessions at your own pace.
THEN, when you’re ready - apply your investment toward enrollment in The Diet Rebel Method for higher level implementation strategies, coaching and accountability to help you break through the mindset blocks that have been keeping you stuck, and crush your biggest goals in a fraction of the time!
Why I'm Not Charging as Much as I Should for this Workshop:
For nearly two decades I’ve helped women in their 40s, 50, and beyond to heal their metabolism and reach goals (and body fat levels!) they thought were impossible.
My 1:1 Coaching Intensive clients pay $3-6k to work with me for six to twelve weeks in a close intimate setting.
My group coaching programs are $497-997.
So, why is this workshop so inexpensive?
Over the past few years, I’ve seen so many DIYers in the EM2WL fam struggle with knowing whether or not to reset, when to cut, and when to make tweaks. They either stop dead in their tracks from analysis paralysis - or spin their wheels for.like.ever. They stay stuck, and neither the physique nor liberated lifestyle they envisioned makes it any further than their IG feed or Pinterest board.
Which means if you never get this figured out, you’ll keep living in a world of black or white - thinking that you have to choose between living the life you want OR seeing physique progress. You’ll never experience a successful and sustainable cut, or feel like you can focus on ALL the other things that you’ve been putting off while you wait.
It’s for that reason that I want to make sure that I get this opportunity into as many hands as possible so that I can help you stop spinning your wheels, take back control, and finally move forward toward your best life.
Nailing your Reset is ESSENTIAL. And when you finally do unlock your fully healed metabolism, just imagine the fat loss potential that immediately unlocks for you.
If you would like my help and guidance in doing that, your investment price is just $97.
…and remember! If you decide that you want a bit MORE structure, hand holding and support during your journey, I’ll credit your $97 toward your investment in joining the Diet Rebel Method.
So tell me...what do you really have to lose?
And by passing up on this one-time offer, are you really saying that nailing your reset is NOT worth $97 to you?
Let’s hope not!
So if you are ready to finally lock in your reset strategy, so you can finally have success with your cut phases, get registered by clicking the link below and I’ll see ya soon!
Copyright © 2022 Eat More 2 Weigh Less